October 31, 2024

This is a free webinar and you can sign up via LinkedIn here

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression has rarely been so topical yet it can be a particularly tricky topic for many employers. Simon McCrossan will be presenting a webinar on this topic outline the current law, offering some practical tips and discussing the future direction of jurisprudence in light of the recent Higgs v Farmor’s School hearing by the Court of Appeal.


In this webinar, 1EC employment law barrister Simon McCrossan will examine the current law on freedom of speech and expression at work in light of the awaited Court of Appeal decision in Higgs v Farmor’s School. During this seminar, Simon will discuss the present legal position and examine the factors that may be relevant for practitioners litigating claims in this complex area, with one eye upon developing jurisprudence.

About Simon McCrossan

Simon specialises in employment and discrimination disputes. He holds a specialist LL.M in Employment Law (Distinction) and is instructed by both claimants and respondents nationally across a broad range of sectors. Simon has considerable experience in advising and providing client training upon claims regarding freedom of expression at work.

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